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Any "MATCH" blends that actually match?

Either my memory isn't as good as it should be (which is very possible) or some of the MATCH blends I've been trying - in an attempt to relive my youth - are no where near the flavor of the original. I've tried MATCH blends for John Rolfe Peach Brandy, Edgeworth Ready Rubbed, Flying Dutchman, and Middleton Cherry Blend and nothing seemed to come close to what I remember. As a matter of fact I located a place where I could still buy the original Middleton's Cherry Blend - got a couple of boxes for old time sake - and can say without hesitation that the MATCH blend was nothing like the original. In this case the MATCH blend may have been better because it didn't set my tongue ablaze like Miiddleton's Cherry Blend. So it got me wondering just how close these so called MATCH blends are to the originals ... or if so much time has passed since we last smoked the original blends that it's probably impossible to really be able to make a true comparison. 


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